Health & Wellbeing

Kickstart Your Weight Loss Journey with OPTIFAST

women getting fit

Are you on the road to kickstarting a weight loss journey? It may sound intimidating at first with many changes to your current lifestyle, but it could actually be easier than you thought.

This guide will walk you through how to start a weight loss journey and stick with it for the long haul!

How Many Steps to Lose Weight?

We’ve listed a three-step guide that helps you to break down your weight loss journey into achievable goals.

1. Start from Smaller Goals

Breaking down your end goal into several smaller, more attainable goals can help you stay positive in your weight loss journey. By doing this, you’ll have more ‘wins’, which will help to keep you motivated, especially if you’re a visual person who likes to tick things off a list.

2. Stay Active

All weight management plans are built around the concept of reducing calorie intake and moving your body. With this in mind, it’s important to increase your exercise and improve your fitness levels.

You don’t have to go straight into those high-intensity workouts right away – walking, swimming or even yoga are all great starting points!

Learn more about how to build muscle as a beginner here:

A Beginner's Guide to Building Muscle

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4. Create Your Meal Plan

Creating a healthy and balanced meal plan that you can stick with is vital to your weight loss goals. Try keeping intake of carbs and fats to a minimum, while making protein a part of every meal, helping you to feel fuller for a longer period. Eggs, poultry, and dairy products are all great sources of protein.

Don’t forget fresh fruits and green vegetables are also important – they are great sources of essential vitamins, fibre, and minerals.

meal plan

Changing to a balanced diet may be difficult at first, especially if you’re spending more time calculating your calorie intake, meal planning, and grocery shopping. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

If you’re looking for a helping hand to help you change to a healthier lifestyle, the range of OPTIFAST meal replacement products could be the support you need!

OPTIFAST products feature clinically proven formulas that provide all the essential nutrients you need, while keeping the calories low! Being selected as preferred products for the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme, OPTIFAST helps you to unlock your inner strength to reclaim health and vitality.

Create a Meal Plan with OPTIFAST Meal Replacement Products

The OPTIFAST range includes low-calorie Soups, meal replacement Bars, Shakes and even healthy Desserts, which are all easy to prepare and nutritious.

Discover the full range now and fuel your energy along your weight loss journey!


Shop OPTIFAST Meal Replacement Products


Soups for Weight Loss

OPTIFAST Soup is a warm and satisfying meal replacement for lunch or dinner. Formulated with a blend of 28 essential vitamins and minerals in one sachet to support your daily nutritional needs!

The range is available in a wide variety of flavours, including Leek & Potato, Vegetable and Tomato – you’re sure to find your favourite flavour!

Meal Replacement Bars

OPTIFAST Bars are specially designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals. One bar provides 24 essential vitamins and minerals, along with protein and fibre that help you stay full for a longer period.

These products are also a convenient solution for those busy days when you’re on the go, making them the best meal replacement bars for weight loss. They’re also available in various flavours, including Chocolate, Berry, Cereal and Cappuccino, to help keep your weight loss plan varied and exciting.

Weight Loss Shakes

OPTIFAST meal replacement Shakes are available in a wide range of flavours, including Chocolate, Strawberry, Coffee and more. Each meal replacement shake has been formulated with all the essential vitamins and minerals that you need.

If you’re wondering how to use meal replacement shakes, it’s never been so easy! Just as simple as other OPTIFAST products, mix the weight loss shake sachet with water and it’s ready to serve! OPTIFAST Shakes are nutrient dense, fueling your energy with the fibre and protein you need for weight loss.

Discover the range now and find your favourite flavour!

Healthy Desserts for Weight Loss

Craving desserts during your weight loss journey? Don’t worry, OPTIFAST meal replacement products have got you covered! Discover the range of OPTIFAST Desserts, available in classic Vanilla and Chocolate flavours.

One sachet satisfies your sweet tooth, while containing only 216 calories! Discover the range now.

Weight Loss Bundle

Can’t decide which meal replacement products to buy when starting your weight loss journey? Discover our newly released Weight Loss Bundle, which includes OPTIFAST Chocolate Shakes, Leek & Potato Soup and Chocolate Meal Replacement Bar, making it an all-round option that covers your daily breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Shop the bundle now and support your weight loss journey.

Do you plan to tone up after your weight loss plan? Find out our top 10 supplements that help to build muscles:

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Every Health

Every Health