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The Best Vitamin Supplements for Children

The Best Vitamin Supplements for Children
Every Health
Writer and expert4 years ago
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Children can be fussy eaters, turning their noses up at fresh fruit or perhaps anything green. It can be a worry that they’re getting all the vitamins and minerals they need for their bodies to grow and to stay healthy, which is why many parents turn to vitamin supplements for their kids.

The vitamins that you take may not be suitable for children; at Every Health, you’ll find a collection of vitamins designed especially for children, with the dosages they need as they grow.

group of healthy, happy children

What Vitamins Do Children Need?

These are some of the vitamins children need:

  • Vitamin A: vitamin A helps to promote normal growth and development, and also plays a key role in supporting immune system responses
  • Vitamin B12: this important vitamin can help to support a child’s metabolism and heart health, as well as their immune system. The amount they’ll need will increase as they get older. For babies, this is 0.5 micrograms (mcg) a day; for toddlers, it’s 0.9mcg; for 4-8 year-olds, 1.2mcg; and 9-13 year-olds should be getting 1.8mcg daily
  • Vitamin C: a natural antioxidant, vitamin C can help to reduce tiredness and fatigue, and can help to keep kids’ immune systems healthy
  • Vitamin D: vitamin D plays an important role in supporting healthy bones and teeth as little ones grow

Multivitamins for Kids

Multivitamins are a great way to make sure your little ones are getting more of the vitamins they need at once, and you can be sure with Garden of Life vitamins that they’re only putting good stuff into their growing bodies.

The Garden of Life Organics Kids Multi Fruit Gummy comes in tasty fruit flavour and they’re designed to be chewable, which makes them a lot more appealing to kids than having a pill to swallow. Containing the essential vitamins, these are a great choice to make sure kids are getting a little of what they need every day.

Omega-3 for Kids

Omega-3 fatty acids are known as ‘essential’ for a reason; children with low levels of omega-3 may be more likely to develop allergies, and tend to have poorer immune function.

MINAMI has a brilliant range of omega-3 supplements, including omega-3 for kids. MINAMI uses sustainably sourced fish oil that boasts market-leading purity, so you can be sure your kids are getting the very best.

MINAMI MorDHA Kids 3+ omega-3 supplements feature the fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) to contribute to normal vision and normal brain function, providing an important building block for children’s development. DHA is also believed to help improve the length and quality of sleep, which can be exactly what some energetic children need!

For slightly older children, MINAMI’s MorEPA Kids 6+ omega-3 softgels contain DHA to support the development of important mental skills, such as thinking, remembering and learning, alongside evening primrose oil, which has traditionally been used to treat skin conditions.

MorEPA Kids 6+ also contains vitamin D to help support kids’ bone growth and development, normal teeth, and normal immune system function.

Every Health also has a fantastic selection of vitamin supplements for adults. Explore our full range of vitamins.

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4 years agoBy Every Health
Every Health
Writer and expert
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