
Mango Banana Protein Smoothie

mango banana recipe

Enhance your daily routine with this refreshing summery recipe – Mango Banana Protein Smoothie. Packed with organic plant-based protein powder, this fruity smoothie boosts your protein intake, replenishes your energy levels and helps to kickstart your morning routine.

Orgain Organic Protein Powder is a vegan protein powder that’s made with non-GMO and organic certified ingredients to deliver quality nutrients to enhance your selfcare routine. Delivering 21g of plant-based protein, with only 150 calories per serving, this vegan protein powder is also packed with microbiome and fibre to promote a healthy digestive system.

Try this unmissable recipe at home, blend and enjoy to enhance your morning routine.



  1. Blend and enjoy!

Discover our favourite chocolate muffin recipe that also feature the addition of Orgain orgainc plant-based protein powder. Put your apron on and try this indulgence, guilt free!

Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe


Chocolate Protein Muffin Recipe

Orgain Organic Plant Protein Powder Creamy Chocolate Fudge, satisfies your sweet tooth while boosting your protein intake.

2023-02-14 08:30:42By Every Health

Every Health

Every Health

Every Health